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Member Benefits

Why Join?

All College of Engineering students, graduates, family & friends, and faculty are highly encouraged to join and take an active role in TUEAA. Active participation in the organization represents the best opportunity to ensure that (1) your voice is heard and (2) that programs and scholarships are administered in a manner consistent with your desires.

Becoming a member of TUEAA can benefit you, the Tuskegee University College of Engineering student by:

  1. Providing you with a structured and powerful avenue to ensure that your concerns are being met which will allow you to successfully complete your degree program and be ready for life after graduation.

  2. Enabling the association with practicing engineers in your own discipline through active participation in student engagement activities designed to improve your academic accomplishments as engineering students as well as preparation for entering the workplace.

  3. Enabling the association with other engineering students in all disciplines within the College of Engineering that you may not have had the opportunity of getting to know.

Becoming a member of TUEAA can benefit you, the Tuskegee University College of Engineering graduate, family & friends by:

  1. Providing you with a structured and powerful avenue to give back to the university that equipped you, or someone you know and love, to be successful in a competitive workplace. Through scholarship and special project contributions, you will assist deserving students with valuable financial, infrastructure and tools required to achieve their degree. As our membership grows, it enables TUEAA to have a much greater impact in the College of Engineering and University matters.

  2. Enabling the association with other engineers / retirees in your own discipline. As a member of one of the Departmental Alumni Organizations (DAO), you can participate in valuable tutoring / mentoring programs and/or workshops / seminars designed to improve the academic accomplishments of engineering students as well as their preparedness to enter the workplace after graduation. In addition, all members are asked to explore avenues to enable the acquisition of special tools / equipment needed within their DOA to meet special departmental needs.

  3. Through association with other engineers in the workplace, you may discover other career opportunities and avenues to improve your current career. The ability to discuss workplace directions, engineering methodologies, job opportunities, and many other subjects with like-minded and focused individuals with whom you share a common bond is invaluable.

  4. Providing the opportunity to renew former acquaintances. Meeting old classmates and friends to discuss “back when, where you are now, and where you are going” is part of human nature that makes us who we are today. Through active participation in TUEAA, you will have a better opportunity to connect and benefit from fellow engineers.

Becoming a member of TUEAA can benefit you, the Tuskegee University College of Engineering faculty by:

  1. Providing you with a structured and powerful avenue to ensure that your concerns and needs are being met which will allow you to provide a direct voice for improving student learning opportunities in your respective departments.

  2. Fostering broader association with practicing / retired engineering alumni in your discipline to (1) promote active participation of alumni in departmental and student engagement activities, (2) increase corporate visibility through alumni support and awareness, (3) connect with alumni members and explore avenues to enable the acquisition of special tools / equipment to meet special departmental needs, and (4) reconnect with former students and learn about how you impacted their lives.

These are but a few benefits that you may derive from becoming a member of TUEAA. Join now and start making a difference.